Professional indemnity


Speech Pathology Australia (the Association) understands the importance of ensuring that its members have the necessary professional indemnity insurance. It’s why the Association works with Guild Insurance to provide the necessary insurance cover at a discounted rate for members only. It’s another reason why membership has its benefits.

Guild Insurance COVID-19 update

A choice of employment status

Guild Insurance recognises that not all speech pathologists are the same and so may have individual needs. Whether you work in the private or public sector, full time or part time, you are able to select the level of cover you require for your professional needs. Guild Insurance can work with you to tailor your policy to match your employment status.

A choice of indemnity level

Guild Insurance provides you with a number of indemnity options. You can select from a choice of $2m, $5m, $10m or $20m cover, allowing you to choose the indemnity level that’s right for you. To check your current level of cover, please refer to your renewal schedule. If you need to make any alterations simply contact Guild Insurance on 1800 810 213.

Looking after members first

Remember, Association members pay less than non-members on their Liabilities Insurance premiums. It is important to ensure that your membership is up to date or your premium will be converted across to the non-member rate.

Guild also offers you an easy ‘pay by the month’ option.

If you are not already insured with Guild Insurance and would like further information simply contact Guild Insurance.

Alternatively, if you would like to discuss your situation with a representative call 1800 810 213.

In addition to providing a tailored insurance package, the Guild Group can offer you a wide range of other insurance and financial products and services. Contact Guild Insurance for further details.

Professional Indemnity Information FAQ for Members

Notifying Guild Insurance of a claim made against you: requirements for speech pathologists (Produced by Guild Insurance).