Find a Speech Pathologist

Note: This is a list of Certified Practising Speech Pathologists who have agreed to have their contact details made available to the general public. It is not a full list of all speech pathology services throughout Australia - there may be services such as hospitals, community health centres etc that may not be listed here. Please speak with your GP, local council, Primary Health Network etc about services in your area.

Explore our list of current Certified Practising Members of Speech Pathology Australia

This information is not verified by SPA and so it is always recommended to contact the Speech Pathologist directly to discuss individual needs and requirements.

Important notice: Speech pathologists listed on this page do not want to receive unsolicited commercial electronic messages. Association members can forward unsolicited messages to [email protected] or lodge a complaint with the Australian Communications and Media Authority.

The following speech pathologist(s) has/have been permanently expelled or temporarily suspended under Speech Pathology Australia’s Constitution for disciplinary reasons.

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